Get Involved

We welcome all students across Manchester Universities and you don't need any previous technical experience.

At MUTTS we believe that the best ways to learn are both on the job and with practical training sessions based around the use of the equipment that we stock.

Taster Sessions

Every semester we host a taster session at the workshop where we roll out a selection of our equipment for anyone to come and have a go with. These sessions are perfect for people looking to get involved with Technical Theatre and find out what we do.


Regular Workshop Sessions

Throughout the academic year we regularly meet (usually on a weekly basis) at The Arch, a workshop that we share with the Gilbert and Sullivan Society on North Campus. There's always events to prep equipment for or training sessions taking place so come down, say hello and see how you can get involved.

Directions to The Arch can be found here.



Sometimes its nice to get away from all that tech stuff. We're regularly in the pub after a workshop session and we also host an annual Christmas Dinner as well as a Curry Night for everyone to get together.


Sound interesting?

If the above interests you then make sure you keep up to date with our goings-on by liking our page on Facebook.

Alternatively, feel free to get in touch with our committee if you would like more information.